Any active bullying and or harrasment is and will not be tolerated.
If you are a target of any bullying and or harrasment please let the admins know.
Politics are encouraged to be moved to and discussed in direct messages instead of the group chat
If you have opposing views please do not disrupt the chat with and argument and or debate.
No NSFW or +18 adult content in the group chat.
We try to keep this group chat 99% safe for work.
Admin word is law
Tuffs can be called out on her bullshit if you so desire.
Try not to spam messages
Notification settings are there for a reason though.
Tuffs good morning sticker
If a good morning sticker is not sent by Tuffs in the morning, you may presume her desceased.
Be as kind as you can
You never know if someone is in a rough place, so please, be nice to eachother.
Tonga time
Tonga time is mandated periodically without warning.
Do not block admins
There shouldn't be any good reason to block an admin and it just makes their job harder to do.
If you have a good reason or think of a good reason to block an admin, please bring it up to the owner.
Misuse of Authority
If you believe an admin is or has misused or abused their power in the chat or have evidence of an admin
abuding or misusing their power in the chat, please bring it to the attention of the
owner or a different admin.
We will work with you to try and get the issue resolved as soon as reasonably possible.